Hotel Loyalty Programs Are No Longer Just For Big Brands

Guests no longer have to opt for "points" over "personality" due to growing trend of boutique hotels and independent hotels offering hotel loyalty programs. Tired of forfeiting guests to big brand loyalty programs, a growing number of independent and boutique hotels are going head-to-head with major chains by offering their own guest loyalty programs. The [...]

By |2022-12-13T20:44:12-07:00September 30th, 2014|Guest Loyalty|

How Smaller Hotels Can Achieve 5-Star Guest Services

Boutique and independent hotel guests are a different breed of customer, typically favoring exclusivity over consistency. They seek a unique, one-of-a-kind guest service and experience over the familiarity of a chain hotel stay. The good news is that because they are unrestricted by "big brand" standards, independent and boutique hotels are well-suited to deliver on [...]

By |2022-12-27T20:37:11-07:00September 29th, 2014|Guest Loyalty|

How to Instill a Hotel Customer Service Culture

In the competitive hospitality marketplace, hotel customer service is a clear differentiator. And every property should make exceptional hotel customer service their end-goal. Big properties benefit from internal customer service programs to help staff deliver consistently great hotel customer service. But what are smaller hotel brands to do? Following are guidelines that both boutique [...]

By |2024-05-28T09:12:10-07:00September 25th, 2014|Guest Loyalty|

Get To know The Bleisure Traveler & Win Their Business!

Meet one of the newest categories of hotel guests – the "bleisure" traveler. Already well-known throughout Asia and Latin America, the bleisure traveler is becoming more prevalent in North America. Get to know their traits and learn what your hotel can do to target and attract the business of this "hybrid" customer segment. Who is [...]

By |2019-02-13T15:52:03-07:00September 18th, 2014|Guest Loyalty|

Managing & Meeting Hotel Business Traveler Expectations

Hoteliers, take note! Today's business travelers are a happy, albeit demanding, bunch. They embrace business travel with a positive mindset yet they (and their employers) expect a stress free, customized, and streamlined experience. The good news is that YOU can help them manage their business travel by answering specific needs in order to meet their [...]

By |2014-09-12T22:14:35-07:00September 12th, 2014|Hospitality Industry Trends|

Your 2015 Hospitality Meetings & Events Forecast

Which hospitality industry events will be well attended in 2015? How will participation differ from region to region? According to the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the forecast looks positive. Findings show that solid economic growth will contribute to overall healthy participation in key meetings and events scheduled for the upcoming year. SkyTouch Technology, for [...]

By |2022-12-27T20:37:43-07:00September 11th, 2014|Hospitality Conferences|

Hotel Guests And Managers Hold High Expectations For Mobile Managed Travel

With mobile bookings expected to more than double in the next two years, the hospitality market has high expectations for mobile managed travel. Hotel guests are taking full advantage of the latest apps to ease and enhance their travel experience while managers are using digital technologies to help control their travel programs and direct travelers [...]

By |2022-12-13T20:12:48-07:00September 9th, 2014|Distribution Management, Hospitality Industry Trends|

Four Surprising Habits of Hotel Business Travelers

A strong economy is causing an uptick in business travel, which, of course, is great news for the hospitality industry. About half of business travelers made 10 or more trips in 2013, with that number expected to steadily increase. But exactly what makes the business traveler tick? How can hotel managers anticipate their wants and [...]

By |2022-12-13T20:10:53-07:00September 8th, 2014|Hospitality Industry Trends|

Hospitality Revenue Management: 3 Keys to Improving your Hotel’s Bottom Line

What motivates a potential guest to book a room at your hotel vs. your competitor's property? Interpreting this is the key to hospitality revenue management, a concept which has revolutionized the hotel industry. The consumer's ability to shop and compare room rates online has generated increased competition for price and value. Yet, thanks to modern [...]

By |2019-05-23T18:26:15-07:00September 2nd, 2014|Revenue Management|

Hotel Marketing Part 3: We “Like” These Best Practices In Hotel Social Media

These days, hospitality and social media go hand in hand. When implemented effectively, social media not only keeps the buzz going about your brand, it also keeps guests coming back – to your "page" and your property – for more! Who's doing it right when it comes to social media marketing? Hotels of all sizes [...]

By |2014-08-28T16:08:35-07:00August 28th, 2014|Hospitality Industry Trends|
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