Overcoming Challenges in Hotel Management | SkyTouch Technology

In the realm of hospitality, hoteliers face a myriad of obstacles. From staffing shortages to financial constraints and evolving guest expectations, addressing these issues requires proactive solutions. At SkyTouch Technology, we draw upon our industry expertise to offer robust software solutions tailored to navigate these challenges and drive hotel success. Addressing Staffing Challenges: Challenge: Hotel… Continue Reading Overcoming Challenges in Hotel Management | SkyTouch Technology

By |2024-04-04T11:12:02-07:00March 11th, 2024|Blog (MASTER), Employee Training / Turnover|

SkyTouch Security Best Practices

At SkyTouch Technology, we follow security best practices to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our systems. Here’s just a couple of examples of how we stay up to date with security. On a regular basis we . . . scan our environment and partner with third parties to test, identify, and remediate vulnerabilities. … Continue Reading SkyTouch Security Best Practices

Tips, Tricks, and Hacks- Help Center

During the pandemic, SkyTouch began anticipating the return to business operations by creating the Help Center. The Help Center gives our customers the ability to address a variety of situations where the user may have forgotten how to complete a specific task in SkyTouch HOS. The Help Center offers guided steps with both written instructions… Continue Reading Tips, Tricks, and Hacks- Help Center

By |2021-07-15T18:04:01-07:00July 15th, 2021|Employee Training / Turnover|

Summer Onboarding Tips

As the summer travel season continues to ramp up, it’s likely that you’ll need to bring some new staff members up to speed on SkyTouch HOS.  We’re here to help with some quick tips for bringing on new staff in a manner that efficient AND effective. Check out those quick tips below: 1). SkyTouch University… Continue Reading Summer Onboarding Tips

By |2021-07-15T16:30:41-07:00July 15th, 2021|Employee Training / Turnover|

SkyTouch launches learning management system

SkyTouch Technology launched the SkyTouch University learning management tool, and enhancements to its SkyTouch customer community. SkyTouch customers can now customize training modules to educate staff regarding on-property best practices, and processes for achieving key objectives, such as improving the guest experience and driving revenue. Read full article here.

Two Ways That Technology Can Mitigate Rising Labor Costs

North American hotels are experiencing record revenue as the economy continues to grow, but there is a downside to all this economic growth. Wages in the hotel business are rising faster than rates, which can cut into a hotel’s margins. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that total compensation for U.S. hospitality employees has increased… Continue Reading Two Ways That Technology Can Mitigate Rising Labor Costs

By |2019-02-13T15:46:57-07:00May 1st, 2018|Employee Training / Turnover|

More ‘New’ Hotels Coming. Are you Ready?

Rapid new hotel development and increased renovations of older properties have transformed local and regional markets across the United States, forcing many hoteliers to consider new strategies to stay competitive. According to Lodging Econometrics, by the end of 2018, the number of hotels and rooms in the United States is forecast to grow by 2.5%.… Continue Reading More ‘New’ Hotels Coming. Are you Ready?

By |2019-02-11T19:32:50-07:00March 14th, 2018|Employee Training / Turnover, Rate Management|

Tips for Hospitality Industry Success in the New Year

It’s a new year. That makes it a time chock full of potential opportunity and possibility for your hotel business. However, to find maximum success in 2018, it’s critical to be aware of the mega trends shaping the current and future state of the hospitality industry. Here are three issues you should be aware of… Continue Reading Tips for Hospitality Industry Success in the New Year

By |2023-07-18T12:19:08-07:00January 11th, 2018|Employee Training / Turnover|

New Year, New PMS

If you’re thinking about securing a new cloud-based property management system for 2018, now’s the time to act. By making the switch now, you may be in a great position to secure a full year’s worth of data come the end of 2018. That could be essential for your business. Use that data to help… Continue Reading New Year, New PMS

5 Ways Cloud-Based Front Desk Software Smooths Operations

Front desk software for hotels may be the most critical success element for any property. Even world class hoteliers find themselves hobbled when stuck using an outmoded property management system. In fact, many hoteliers don’t even realize the hotel front desk software they rely upon every day may not be the best available system. That’s… Continue Reading 5 Ways Cloud-Based Front Desk Software Smooths Operations

By |2019-05-23T18:08:22-07:00August 22nd, 2017|Employee Training / Turnover|