In the competitive hospitality marketplace, hotel customer service is a clear differentiator. And every property should make exceptional hotel customer service their end-goal. Big properties benefit from internal customer service programs to help staff deliver consistently great hotel customer service. But what are smaller hotel brands to do? Following are guidelines that both boutique and independent hotels can adopt to instill a culture of customer service within their properties.

Have a clear vision.

Does your hotel mission or vision statement include a customer service component? Before you implement a customer service culture, you must define for employees what that means. Articulate this vision, support it with concrete standards and goals … and watch your staff and your property flourish!

Hire the right people.

The right employees make all the difference when it comes to facilitating a customer service culture. From the doorman greeting guests at the curb, to the concierge, to housekeeping staff, each and every staff member should be on the receiving end of hotel customer service training. A staff member that is educated and empowered is more likely to embrace and carry out your vision. Communicate your expectations and arm staff with the tools and know-how to succeed!

Use the right technology.

Access to affordable, cloud-based technologies has had a significant impact on hotel management and customer service. For example, the SkyTouch Hotel OS® is a 100% web-based, mobile hotel PMS solution that makes it easy for hotel managers to communicate real-time needs and issues to staff in order to better serve guests. Properties of every size and type can benefit from a solution like this in order to streamline operations and keep the focus on meeting guests’ needs.

Let the world know.

Your customer service culture shouldn’t be a well-kept secret; share it with the world! Utilize your hotel’s website and social media channels to communicate your customer service vision. Share visual experiences – staff interacting with guests, groups gathering in the lobby, a gift basket presentation – to spur the Likes, Shares, and Follows that will bring in more guests.

In the end, no matter which type of property a guest selects– chain or boutique, large or small — they expect to receive great attention and service. Use the guidelines above to instill a customer service culture within your hotel that exceeds their expectations.