Security is a major issue facing every hotel across the world. But how can you keep all of your information safe and in one convenient place that you can access from anywhere? The answer is at your fingertips with the help of SkyTouch Technology®. When you use our high-tech solutions like our cloud hotel property management system, you can rest assured that our cloud-based hotel management and operating system is secure. With 24-7 monitoring every day of the year, your hotel’s important information is safe with us. We have spent years working hard to optimize our system for maximum vulnerability management through countless hours of penetration testing of the property management system.
Our customers depend on us, and with over 50,000 users around the globe, we always need to be on the top of our security game. The SkyTouch Hotel OS® platform supports thousands of hotels’ PCI DSS needs by centralizing the security management of the PMS. Say goodbye to bulky servers and the need for dedicated rooms that contain all of your hotel’s vital information. No longer will your hotel have to set up a physical security barrier that can be easily compromised or affected by human error. Expensive IT costs will also be a thing of the past when you switch to our system. All you need is our PMS and an Internet connection, and you can keep your hotel operations running smoothly without the worries and expenses of securing the PMS. Leave the security work to us, so you can concentrate on improving your business. Book a free demo to see more!