This week the SkyTouch team is at HITEC in Toronto. Whether for business or pleasure, events like this can be big money makers for hotels, if they have the right tools in place. According to Lodging Magazine, “large-event host cities such as Los Angeles, New York City, and Miami reaped the benefits of abundant lodging options” because of a diverse array of events. The more events a city has, the higher it’s overall occupancy will be.

Users of the SkyTouch Hotel OS ® are discovering the cloud-based PMS’ intuitive and flexible system makes special event creation wrapped around special events, a snap.

Highlight Them

It’s important for all PMS products to understand regionally relevant special events, especially annual ones.

Tip: Be sure your PMS can replicate the same special event each year. With SkyTouch, users simply copy annual events such as a State Fair, or a Rock and Roll Music Festival with a couple of clicks.

“The SkyTouch Hotel OS uses the concept of Rate Buckets, and these are based off the Best Available Rate (BAR),” says Rui Pereira, Sr. Sales Engineer with SkyTouch. This concept makes it real easy to create rate plans that can be offered direct or via our distribution partners.

Package Them

“Packages are important,” says Pereira, noting they are a great way to maximize rate. That’s because when rates are bundled as part of a package, people are less price sensitive. It’s especially true when people want to attend a specific event in a specific location.

One great example: Music Festivals. People want to attend these events, and hoteliers have the power to set a multiple night expectation as part of a package during a certain date range. Then, the package, which takes less than five minutes to create can be defined with special rooms such as a suite, or includes a fun amenity such as a snack basket. One creative offering could be a music festival field kit, which includes water, snacks, sunscreen, and a venue map.

SkyTouch Hotel OS can automatically adjust BAR levels based on occupancy for a given evening, or number of rooms sold for a specific night. Plus, the system allows for the creation of ‘local only’ rates available by calling or visiting the property, or special rates designed for OTAs or other channels.

Other simple to complete tasks include transferring rates from one bucket to another, setting up specific policies, and rate plan restrictions.

Future Proof Them

Pereira says hoteliers are also able to quickly and easily create rates for certain dates for the year, or even just seasonally if users prefer. This helps hoteliers maximize rate and occupancy potential during both peak periods and fallover times. Pereira reports the SkyTouch Hotel OS has the flexibility to attach a rate for each demand type a hotel will experience in any given year.

“We can configure up to 9 Best Available Rate (BAR) levels, as well as four demand types and unlimited seasons,” says Pereira

With demand still outpacing supply in many markets, hoteliers have a chance to capture great rates all summer long. For those with the SkyTouch Hotel OS, summer event season has the potential to be more profitable than even before.